Protecting the Planet, One Solution at a Time
Be the change you want to see. Propose your solution to tackle one of the challenges of the UN Ocean Decade!
Be the change you want to see. Propose your solution to tackle one of the challenges of the UN Ocean Decade!
The IEEE OES Ocean Challenge is a global competition designed to inspire innovative solutions that address the pressing challenges facing our oceans. Aligned with the UN Decade of Ocean Science, the challenge aims to harness creativity and expertise to solve critical issues and support sustainable ocean development.
Are you a student or young professional passionate about ocean conservation and innovation? Join us in shaping the future of our planet by participating in the IEEE OES Ocean Challenge. Let’s work together to develop groundbreaking solutions to address the UN Decade of Ocean Science goals
The IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society (OES) is excited to announce the launch of the IEEE OES Ocean Challenge, a global competition designed to inspire innovative solutions to address the pressing challenges facing our oceans. Aligned with the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030), the challenge aims to harness the creativity and expertise of students and young professionals to develop groundbreaking technologies and approaches that contribute to ocean health and sustainability.
The Ocean Challenge is a two-stage competition that will provide participants with opportunities to showcase their ideas, receive mentorship, and potentially secure funding to bring their concepts to life.
Find here the form for submission
Be sure to submit the proposal following this template
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IEEE OES Ocean Challenge
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